- How To Install Cygwin Packages
- How To Install Extra Packages In Cygwin
- Cygwin Install Packages After Install
1. Get Cygwin and apt-cyg
Required packages for apt-cyg
Recommended extra packages
First, download the Cygwin installer “setup.exe”. Accept the default parameters, unless you really have a need to change things. When in the dialog to choose what programs to install, simply accept the default. Once you done installation of the base packages, you can come back to it and install other packages you need. If you download the package as Zip files, then you must download and install the dependencies zip file yourself. Developer files (header files and libraries) from other packages are however not included; so if you wish to develop your own applications, you must separately install the required packages. Cygwin has a nice setup program that downloads and installs the necessary Cygwin packages for you. Open the Cygwin, page in your web browser. Click on the 'setup-x8664.exe' (64-bit installation) or 'setup-x86.exe' (32-bit installation) link to download the appropriate setup program from the primary Cygwin server. Save it to the directory that you would like to store the downloaded packages in (e.g. How to install Cygwin for hacking and securityPackages to install: Archive - zip Base - tar- gzip Devl - binutils - gcc-core- gcc-g- make- nasm. After you get the following window of cygwin setup, you can select the packages that you want to install. Click the word 'Default' of the 'All' package, so that the options after all packages become 'Install'.
util-linux (for script command)
openssh (for ssh server)
tftp (tftp client)
tcp-wrappers (for xinetd)
xinetd (for ftp,telnet,tftp server)
luit (for character encoding)
How To Install Cygwin Packages
Install apt-cyg. If the command below fails just save http://apt-cyg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/apt-cyg
and place it under /usr/bin and make it executable.
chmod +x /bin/apt-cyg
2. Configuration for Japanese Windows.
vi .inputrc
set convert-meta off
set meta- on
set output-meta on
3. Configure Windows environment variables to use cygwin commands in Windows Powershell.
Right-click Computer, properties, Advanced system setting, environment variable
edit PATH and append the below. With Powershell, you don’t have to worry about character encodings.
4. Tuning to my preference.
vi /etc/bash.bashrcPS1='[u@h W]$ '
alias explorer=/cygdrive/c/Windows/explorer.exe
How To Install Extra Packages In Cygwin
To clear banner on ssh, ftp, telnet login, do…
echo ' > /etc/motd
echo ' > /etc/defaults/etc/motd
To make blue coloured text visible on black background, do…
echo 'Blue=127,127,255' >> ~/.minttyrc
echo 'BoldBlue=191,191,255' >> ~/.minttyrc
Cygwin vim does not set vimrc by default, so place vimrc under home directory and edit to your liking.
cp /usr/share/vim/vim74/vimrc_example.vim ~/.vimrc
To install ssh on Cygwin, do below.
cygrunsrv.exe -S sshd
To activate ftp, tftp, telnet server, do below.
vi /etc/xinetd.d/ftpd
vi /etc/xinetd.d/tfppd
vi /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
disable = no
user = username
Cygwin does not accept from outside by default, so edit below and comment all to accept from all.
vi /etc/hosts.deny
cygrunsrv -S xinetd
5. Whenever you have errors like “child info fork abort”, stop all cygwin related service and start ash.exe under bin directory, annd run /bin/rebaseall -v
6. In order to uninstall cygwin, stop and remove all cygwin services, and open regedit and search for keyword cyg and remove them. There are something like Cygnus Solution ~, and Cygwin totalling to four.
Posted by smekkley on January 1, 2014
Cygwin Install Packages After Install