Virtual Anatomy Softwarenewinnovations

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In addition to our traditional Human Anatomy Lab (HAL), the UConn School of Medicine uses innovative technology in our new Virtual Anatomy Lab (VAL) to help students span the gap between gross anatomy and state-of-the-art medical imaging. The VAL affords students with the opportunity to learn cross-sectional anatomy and radiologic imaging alongside cadaveric dissection.

  1. Interactive Anatomy – Lite has been added as a new edition to provide more student practice and assessment at a more affordable price. This edition of AIA is most appropriate for cost-conscious.
  2. Lippincott® Virtual Anatomy Center. Optimize human anatomy education with leading Lippincott® solutions. We offer a range of content and resources trusted around the world to effectively teach.
  3. Anatomy Atlas Free is a content and software development anatomy and physiology learning application. This android app variation presents you the subsequent: bones, ligaments, and tooth, as well as every one of the functionality within the fork out variation.

Anatomage Virtual Cadaver

Our new Anatomage virtual cadaver table displays life-size virtual cadavers, allowing students to view gross anatomy in axial, sagittal, and coronal slices with full control over the clipping plane. The ability to explore these images and reinforce anatomical relationships provides a powerful link between cadaveric anatomy and radiology images such as CT and MRI scans.

Virtual Anatomy Software New Innovations Advanced

Radiology (RAD) Workstations

At the RAD workstations, students access a library of de-identified patient images, including X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and diagnostic procedures using a PACS viewer. They apply their anatomical knowledge to navigate and interpret these clinical and diagnostic images.

Interactive Anatomy – Lite has been added as a new edition to provide more student practice and assessment at a more affordable price. This edition of AIA is most appropriate for cost-conscious customers who want students to have access to more student practice. Included in the “virtual” Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body are more than 1,200 color illustrations and a subject index with 13,000 entries. If your textbook is missing critical illustrations, don’t worry; a quick.


Ultrasound sessions are also held in the VAL, providing students with hands on experience, in which student acquire knowledge of surface anatomy with the location and orientation of internal anatomy, while also learning the essential principles underlying this technology. In the VAL, students perform ultrasound on patient instructors to visualize normal anatomy as well as examining relevant pathologies using virtual sonography workstations.

Anatomy software, free download


Anatomy Software Download

Another resource called BodyViz provides volumetric reconstruction of CT and MRI scans that allows students to use gaming technology (X-Box controllers) to fly through and explore anatomical structures from any orientation. BodyViz has extensive visualization features that enable users to quickly and effectively view and interact with MRI and CT scan data in a 3D manner.