Escape From Tarkov Discord Server

  1. Escape From Tarkov Discord Channel
Eft discordEscape from tarkov discord server ipStatus
Tarkov Carry Service
Some Details … and Bonuses!
1.) I will kill everything, loot all items worth something, you don't have to do a thing! I will then give you all items once full.
2.) If we’re doing lab runs, I will be providing entrance cards to the raid.
3.) If you do not make AT-LEAST 1M/per run, we will do extra runs until you do, free of charge.
4.) I will not be doing multiple person groups, it will be me and one other person to ensure you get all of the loot.
5.) If myself or the buyer somehow dies during the raid (mainly happens because of other cheaters), I will provide an extra raid free of charge.
6.) If you're looking for a specific item, let me know, I can provide extra free runs in that case to get you the item!
So, the pricing and payment type…
$3.50/per for Labs
$3.00/per for Reserve and Shoreline
$2.75/per for ALL OTHER MAPS
I personally accept PayPal, Zelle, Cash APP, and BTC
Refund Policy…
If you are for some reason not satisfied with these raids, I will provide a refund if it’s reasonable. If it’s not reasonable and a chargeback occurs, I will fight against the chargeback/dispute, and you will be reported here on ePVP.
If I'm GREEN on Discord, I'm good to go!
Contact me…
Discord: Silent#8961
Pixel Network:

Escape From Tarkov Discord Channel

The Squat - Escape from Tarkov. The Squat Escape from Tarkov is a large but tightly knit community existing since 16 months. We're proud of having actively moderated and filtered toxic players every day and answered thousands of report. With The Squat, you are being promoted for your activity and time spent chatting and playing with others, contrary to clans, you won't have to bother yourself. Public Tarkov Discord Servers! We run a decent size tarkov server that accepts everyone and are always active. Escape From Tarkov LFG Beginner.