Last Updated on January 5, 2021.
Kirnu Cream is a very powerful MIDI performer VST/AU/LPX MIDI FX plugin for Windows and Mac. It works on both 32 and 64 bit systems on Windows and 64 bit on Mac. Cream is intended to be used in both live and offline DAW usage. I have created a bank of 128 presets for the amazing arpeggiator Kirnu Cream called “Tea With Cream.” It is available for free on Patch Area. The presets use the native Cream format,.k2z, so the bank needs to be installed in the Cream plug-in folder. Locate the folder where your Cream plug-in is installed, and expand file there.
Here’s a quick list about the best free arpeggiator VST plugins.
Note: most free arpeggiation plugins are mostly available for Windows PCs, while only a handful of them work on Mac, or even Linux.
However, I will also include 3 premium ones which are absolutely amazing that work on both Windows and Mac without any problems!
Let’s get started with my Nr.1 recommendation, which is;
Kirnu by Arto Vaarala (Windows, Mac)
Kirnu is a VST MIDI arpeggiator plugin that could also be considered a step sequencer, and it is designed with real-time tweaking and usability in mind.
It’s not the easiest plugin to use, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll love it, and it comes with all the features one would expect from a plugin like this.
If you’re looking for an even more advanced version of Kirnu, then check out it’s updated version “Cream“.
Note: Cream is not free, but for $35 it’s definitely considered a budget option.
You can download Kirnu here.
Related: Here’s a list of the best free DAWs that will allow you to use these new free plugins.
BlueARP by Oleg Mikheev (Windows, Mac)
BlueARP is a MIDI Arpeggiator plugin with a patternsequencer style, designed for electronic music genres.
It is based on hardware groove boxes and arpeggiators likeKorg Electribes, Novation Nova, etc.
BlueARP can also be characterized as: a pattern arpeggiator,step sequencer style arpeggiator, arpeggiator with pattern input.
You can download BlueARP here.
Related: List of the best Sequencer VST/AU plugins.
Hypercyclic by Mucoder (Windows, Mac Linux)
Hypercyclic is an LFO-driven MIDI arpeggiator as well as agate effect and step sequencer.
The main use for hypercyclic is to generate midi that can berecorded and/or sent to other plugins.
However, it also features a simple built-in synth fortesting purposes.
You can use two tempo-synced LFOs to modulate variousparameters for creating interesting rhythmic effects and chord variations
A unique feature is the possibility to modulate thesequencer step size itself, which is useful for creating glitchy stutteringeffects.
Another thing you can use is a groove function for playingslightly off the beat.
The groove parameters can also be modulated over time by theLFOs, adding to the rhythmic variation.
You can download Hypercyclic here.
Related: If you’re looking for a huge list of all the best free VST plugins out there, then check out this article I wrote.
RandARP by CodeFN42 (Windows Only)
RandARP is an arpeggiator plugin with many randomizationfeatures, allowing incoming notes or chords to be manipulated in various ways.
All standard arpeggiator parameters like number of octaves, notelength and note order are included…
But the plugin also offers complete randomization of thevelocity, gate, shift and swing parameters.
In addition, you can specify a note probability andrandomize the note order, the octave order, and the number of octaves.
All the randomization features allow you to create moreinteresting and unpredictable arpeggiated sequences.
You can download RandARP here.
Podolski by U-He (Windows, Mac, Linux)
Podolski is a free and straightforward CPU-efficient virtualanalogue synthesizer.
It features one oscillator, one filter, one envelope and an arpeggiator/sequencer section that comes packed with features.
Overall, it might take you some time to learn how to operate this plugin, but once you do, you’ll love it!
You can download Podolski here.
Related: Here’s a list of the best free Drum VST plugins.
Arppe2600vs by Glen Stegner (Windows Only)
Arppe2600va is a great softsynth that features a multitudeof Frequency Modulation options which enable it to create some truly awesomesound effects:
PWM, Sample & Hold, virtual Spring Reverb, RingModulation, and a dedicated Noise Generator are all there!
Also, there is Oscillator Sync and Filter Color.
Arppe2600va is completely patchable via a designed Mod Matrix!
You can have up to 12 patch routings with a veryuser-friendly drop-down menu interface, instead of messy virtual patch cablescluttering up the screen.
It can be both used as a standalone synth or loaded in any DAW.
You can download Arrpe2600va here.
Related: Here’s a list of the best free Modulation Plugins.
Arpimedes By Tobybear Productions (Windows Only)
If you want an insanely simple arp sound without having to deal with an overloaded and confusing interface, then Arpimedes is definitely for you.
It’s the easiest arpeggiator to learn on this list, and you can only set the speed, number of steps, number of octaves, and the mode.
That’s basically it!
If you have no prior experience with arpeggiators, thendefinitely give Arpimedes a try!
You can download Arpimedes here.
Note: It’s part of the MIDIBag bundle, which you needto download in order to get Arpimedes.
Related: Here’s a list of the best free delay VST plugins.
ODsay by Elektrostudio (Windows Only)
ODSay, as its name implies, is inspired by the Arp Odyssey.
It is a Duophonic synth with 2 sync VCO (6 waveforms), 1noise generator, Sample and Hold, 1 sine or square wave LFO, 2 filters (LP andHP), 1 VCA and 2 envelopes (1 ADSR and 1 AR), portamento and so on.
Everything is editable, tweakable and that gives manypossibilities.
The sound is excellent, easy to modulate, with a niceanalogue touch.
From noises to fat and full leads, it is a must-have.
You can download ODsay here.
Looking for free guitar VST plugins? Here are the 15 best ones.
Tonus by KBplugs (Windows Only)
Tonus is an emulation of the ARP 2600.
This emulation is only inspired by the circuitry of the realunit, but it’s not really trying to emulate it and sound identical, but ratherhave its own personality.
There are no presets, just like on the real arp.
You can download Tonus here.
Syntler by Syntler (Windows Only)
Syntler is a groove and arpeggio synth, playable with ajoystick.
Move the joystick arund and play the virtual keybord orMIDI.
For scratch and fx play, press the “scratch”button.
For groove play, press the “groove” button, thenclick “REC” and move the joystick around.
In my opinion, it’s one of the best sounding free Arpeggiatorsout there!
- 3 oscilators: 2 tones oscilators, noiseoscilator.
- Unique joystik control with speed sensitivity.
- Groove and scratch/fx mode.
- LFO.
- MIDI keybord control.
- Tempo sync delay.
- 32 editable presets.
You can download Syntler here.
Crio by Solcito Musica (Windows Only)
Crio is a virtual analog/FM synthesizer that canmake arpeggios, bass, solos, leads, FX-style sounds.
The aim was to make an instrument with minimal controls andmaximum functionality that could be easy to learn and use while still beingable to sound awesome.
- 1 monophonic oscillator with noise generator and3 voices, including sub oscillator.
- 1 LFO with functions of wave quantization andtempo synchronization.
- 2 filters: typical state variable filter andcomb filter.
- 1 envelope generator.
- 1 amplifier with booster and saturation.
- slide tone control that applies to keyboard andtone modulation from LFO.
- MIDI learn in most of the controls.
You can download Crio here.
Moving on…
Premium Arpeggiator Plugins
After you’ve tried some of the free ones, I think that it’sa good idea to move over to some arpeggiators that are actually more powerful.
In most cases they will cost you a bit of money, but most ofthem are extremely affordable.
Here are three which I consider to be excellent!
Cthulhu by Xfer Records (Windows, Mac)
Cthulhu is a Chord and an arpeggiator plugin.
The chord module allows you to play one note and Cthulhuwill automatically create chords off of that one note.
This is great for when you’re trying to compose a song butcan’t come up with new ideas.
You can press any key and Cthulhu will automatically play achord that fits perfectly within that scale.
Kirnu Cream Vst Free Download Vst
It comes with loads of chord presets, and it also allows youto create your own chord presets and save them.
If you import MIDI or record chords straight in, Cthulhu isable to analyze the chords you play and allow for various sorting options like;
Circle of 5ths, Chromatic, low note,etc…
Allowing for easy access over your chords.
The other half of Cthulhu is a unique pattern-based arpeggiator,allowing incoming notes or chords to be manipulated in various rhythmic ways.
For instance, starting on the lowest note and ending up onthe highest (when it runs out of notes, it starts back on the first one).
You can choose whichever pattern you like, sequence them inno time and that’s it… you have the basic structure of a song.
Additionally you can get the ADSR bundle which comes with over 140 chord presets and 50arpeggiation presets which are quite good.
This Plugin is great, really fun and easy to use…
The only down side is that it´s not free (It costs $39), andthe ADSR bundle also costs a bit of money ($24).
You can get Cthulhu here.
Looking for free EQ VST plugins? Here are the best ones.
ARPG8R by Pentacom (Windows, Mac)
ARPG8R is an amazingly simple, yet powerful MIDIarpeggiator.
It’s super straightforward and does exactly what you hope itwill do.
Not only that but it takes any VST and transforms it into afully programmable sequence.
It’s much easier to use than most built-in VSTi arps, andthis turns any arp-less synth into an instant rhythmic powerhouse!
If used right, this arpeggiator has the power to enhance anykind of music that has a beat.
It’s not limited to electro genres only… it can actually beused on many genres.
You can also simply engage and adjust the shuffle feature if you want a more natural feel.
Additionally, they have pretty good online tutorials onYouTube, which is always nice.
Here’s a link to one.
You can find out more about ARPG8R here.
Kirnu Cream Vst Free Download Windows 10
Cream by Kirnu Interactive (Windows, Mac)
Kirnu Cream is a very powerful MIDI performer VST/AU/LPXMIDI FX plugin for Windows and Mac.
With Cream it’s very easy to create catching lead parts,bouncing bass lines, swinging drums and lots of other cool stuff.
With simple and clever design, it has been made easy tolearn and operate.
You can easily create cool performances by tweaking onlycouple of controls.
If this is not enough for you there are so many ways you cancontrol Cream that you never feel bored with it.
Kirnu Cream is good for everybody; hobbyists, professionals,producers, composers, mamas, papas… whoever needs a good MIDI performer to maketheir songs awesome!
You can read check Cream out here.
Get Kirnu, no questions asked!
I also like Podolski and BlueArp, but Kirnu is the best one overall.
Once you feel like you need a upgrade, go with Cream and have fund!
I hope this information was helpful and that you have a great day!
Which are the Best MIDI Arpeggiator Plugins? Let me share my Top 5 recommendations.
Hello, Mike here, and I am a composer.
Just. Like. You. 😃
I love using arpeggiators, for coming up with cool rhythms & patterns that add more energy and drive to my music.
I have found that it can help with experimentation and creative accidents, that you might not have come up with using only the standard piano roll and sequencer.
Let me start by sharing a list of my top 5 MIDI Arpeggiator effects, and then I will give you some information about each plugin.
My Top 5 Arpeggiator VST Plugins
- The Arpeggiator in your DAW
Let’s first define what a MIDI Arpeggiator Plugin is. Basically it is a MIDI insert effect that you add to any track in your DAW, and then you use presets or program patterns that are triggered from the chords or notes you perform on your MIDI keyboard or in the main sequencer. And what you play or sequence gets turned into arpeggios. That’s how it works. Now let me give you my top 5 recommendations for MIDI Arpeggiator Plugins.
1. Cthulhu by Xfer Records
This is actually both a chord generator and arpeggiator in one single plugin. The chord module lets you turn single notes into full chords, and it comes with a great number of presets and scales. It is also very quick and easy to manually record (save) your own chords with the learning mode, and then trigger them with one key.
The arpeggiator module is very powerful, because it gives you step by step control over the notes, including note duration, velocity, transpose, harmony etc.
All in all Cthulhu has been designed very well, because even if it has lots of rich features and amazing possibilities, it is one of the MIDI Arpeggiators (and chord plugins) that is easy to get started with right away with a low learning curve compared to others.
2. Thesys by Sugar Bytes
Thesys is actually a full MIDI step sequencer plugin, with lots of deep features. This is a double-edged sword, because yes it will give you way more control for arpeggiators and much more, but at the same time it adds more complexity in practical usage.
I personally like the fact that it shows 32 steps on screen, because 16 steps can sometimes feel a bit restricted. Another great thing about Thesys is that it supports MIDI drag-and-drop.
The performance section is simply a MIDI programmers dream, because of all its features: octave, note rolls, pitch-bends with custom shapes, chord trigger and randomization…for each step. That’s crazy cool in my book!
It even has a modulation matrix to sequence CC-values, for example: modulating filters etc.
3. Kirnu Cream by Arto Vaarala
Kirnu Cream is a MIDI performer plugin with a lot of deep features. It can be a bit daunting to learn how to use effectively, but if you don’t mind switching a lot between sequencer tabs, and diving deep into its capabilities, this plugin can be just what you need.
It has features like chord memory, gate, swing, accents and much more. It also comes with a pattern sequencer, and you can even choose the step length for each individual pattern.
4. BlueARP by Oleg Mikheev
Let’s get to this plugins main plus: it is free! Oleg has developed BlueARP as an independent project for many years, and kindly gives it away for free (at least at the moment).
It might not win any graphic design award, but wow is it fun to use, and you might be surprised at how cool this plugin is to use in practice! =)
It has step by step control over which note or notes of the chord is triggered. This means that you don’t have to use those boring up/down or down/up motions for your arpeggios, but can actually customize the pattern as you wish, and even add harmonies to the steps you choose.
On top of that, BlueArp comes with lots of presets that you can try out as a starting point, to get new ideas, or simply use straight away for your sequences.
5. The Arpeggiator in your DAW
I know. I’m pretty sure you have a “doh!” reaction now. But hear me out please. 😃
The reason is that we always look for the new shiny thing, which makes us often forget how great the tools are, that we have right in front of us. I know I forget this all the time myself.
Your DAW most certainly comes with a very capable MIDI arpeggiator. I know Logic Pro X does, because that’s my main DAW. I also know Propellerhead Reason does, because I’ve used that DAW for many years.
So check out the built-in MIDI arpeggiator that comes with your DAW, and go deep into its features to learn its potential. It is often greater than you might first think.
Summary: My Top 5 MIDI Arpeggiators
- The Arpeggiator in your DAW
Your Time to Take Action! =)
I recommend that you start experimenting with the built in MIDI arpeggiator plugin in your DAW, and then continue by installing the demo or trial version of some of these third party arpeggiator plugins. Good luck and have fun with arpeggiators! =)