Vector Canoe Pdf

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CANoe for CAN In this course you will receive an introduction to CANoe as well as the opportunity to measure, record and analyze communication on the CAN bus yourself. You will also learn how ECUs are simulated with CANoe and the CAPL programming language. CANoe for CAN In this course you will receive an introduction to CANoe as well as the opportunity to measure, record and analyze communication on the CAN bus yourself. You will also learn how ECUs are simulated with CANoe and the CAPL programming language.

2019-11-04Vector Canoe PdfHow to Send Manually Defined Diagnostic Service Requests Using CAPL
Question: I have a diagnostic description which does not contain all diagnostic services which I need to use. How can I additionally send manually defined diagnostic service requests using CAPL? How can I send those diagnostic requests periodically? Answer: In the Diagnostic Console, it is...
2020-05-07Handling of TestWaitForDiagResponse Function (CANoe only)
Return values: Return value Explanation 1 a response (positive or negative) has been received (P2 or P2* timeouts of ECU have not occurred) 0 the timeout specified in the TestWaitForTimeout has occurred -92 Errors in the transport layer have occurred: this is...
2019-11-21Handling of UUDT Responses when Using CAPL Callback Interface (CCI)
Issue: Handling of UUDT responses when using CAPL callback interface (CCI) Solution: You have to process UUDT response messages explicitly. The given reference CCI implementation does not do that, therefore CANoe cannot detect such responses. Simply add this code to the .cin file...
2020-05-07How to Create diagRequest/diagResponse-Object by Using a String-Variable in CAPLVector Canoe Pdf
Question: How can I create a diagRequest/diagResponse-object by using a String-Variable in CAPL? Answer: If the Service Qualifier for a diagnostic service is provided as string, it is possible to re-initialize an already existing diagRequest/diagResponse-object by using the CAPL-function...
2020-11-11Diagnostics with CAPL since 9.0 SP3
This Support Note will show you step by step how to access an ECU using the diagnostic functions and how to create tests for the diagnostic components with CANoe (and as far as possible with CANalyzer) using the CAPL programming language. These articles will only cover diagnostics on CAN, but...
2020-08-19How to use vFlash within CANoe
Question: How can I use vFlash in CANoe? Answer: One of the most interesting use cases is the combination of vFlash with Vector CANoe: It’s possible to perform automated tests where CANoe restores a specific state of ECU’s software by controlling vFlash via its automation interface. ...
2020-05-07Diagnostics with CAPL up to CANoe 9.0 SP2
This Support Note will show you step by step how to access an ECU using the diagnostic functions and how to create tests for the diagnostic components with CANoe (and as far as possible with CANalyzer) using the CAPL programming language. These articles will only cover diagnostics on CAN, but...
2020-07-21CAPL: Sending Functional Requests
Question: How can I send functional requests from a CANoe CAPL node to several ECUs? Answer: The communication parameters of your diagnostic description file (CDD, PDX) should contain an entry for the functional CAN ID or ECU address (depending on the bus system). If there is no such...
2020-09-30How to Change the Diagnostic Variant in CAPL
Question: How can I change the diagnostic variant in CAPL while the measurement is running? Answer: During runtime the variant can be changed in test nodes by calling the function testWaitForDiagChangedActiveVariant. There are two forms of this function: long...
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CANoe/CANalyzer terminated unexpectedly. Please excuse the inconvenience. This should not occur. A crash and an assertion can have various causes. The causes can be CANoe/CANalyzer internal,


CANoe/CANalyzer terminated unexpectedly.

Please excuse the inconvenience. This should not occur. A crash can have various causes. The causes can be CANoe/CANalyzer internal, configuration-dependent as well as external (e.g., from third party programs).

Download PDF-Version (PDF, 303 KB)
CANoe/CANalyzer 7.6 SP6 (7.6.94)
CANoe/CANalyzer 8.0 SP6 (8.0.96)
CANoe/CANalyzer 8.1 SP6 (8.1.97)
CANoe/CANalyzer 8.2 SP6 (8.2.107)
CANoe/CANalyzer 8.5 SP7 (8.5.117)
CANoe/CANalyzer 9.0 SP8 (9.0.137)
CANoe/CANalyzer 10.0 SP7 (10.0.127)
CANoe/CANalyzer 11.0 SP4 (11.0.96)
CANoe/CANalyzer 12.0 SP5 (12.0.216)
CANoe/CANalyzer 13.0 SP3 (13.0.168)
CANoe/CANalyzer 14 (14.0.83)
One step back

Check for current service pack

To exclude the possibility of already solved issues, make sure that you have installed the latest service pack for CANoe/CANalyzer. You can find the version number on the splash screen when starting CANoe/CANalyzer. Alternatively, you have the following options:

For CANoe/CANalyzer versions older than 9.0:
On the CANoe/CANalyzer menu, click on Help | Info. A dialog opens that displays information on program version, the available options and the license information.
Canoe interaction layer
Beginning with CANoe/CANalyzer 9.0:
On the CANoe/CANalyzer ribbon, click on File | Help. Information on the used version is displayed here.
Is the current service pack installed on the system?

Update and test with the latest service pack

You can download the latest service pack for your CANoe/CANalyzer version free of charge under and If the update to the latest service pack does not help, the cause of the crash must be analyzed.

Does the problem still occur after updating to the last available service pack?

Time of the crash

  • YES, crash immediately after starting the CANoe/CANalyzer application
  • NO, crash only occurs once a measurement is running (test module, desktop change, … )
Does the crash occur immediately when starting CANoe/CANalyzer?

No more crashes after service pack update

If the crash can no longer be reproduced after updating to the latest CANoe/CANalyzer service pack, the cause of the crash has presumably been eliminated in the meantime. If you want to be certain that the cause has been eliminated, you can provide us your configuration for an analysis.

Pack all necessary files
One step back

Crash immediately when starting CANoe/CANalyzer

If the error message occurs when starting CANoe/CANalyzer, please check whether the last opened CANoe/CANalyzer configuration is defective by doing the following: Open the CAN.ini file, which you can find as follows:

  • up to CANoe/CANalyzer 9.0 SP7: in the Windows Start-Menue at
    All Programs|Vector CANoe/CANalyzer|CAN.INI.
  • since CANoe/CANalyzer 10.0: in the Windows Start-Menue at
    All Programs|Vector CANoe/CANalyzer|Tools (English).
    On the help page Vector Tool Launch you can find the link to the CAN.ini.
Open the CAN.ini file in the Windows Start menu under All Programs | Vector CANoe/CANalyzer | CAN.INI. Find section [LastCANoeConfigurations] or, analogously, [LastCANalyzerConfigurations] and delete all entries that begin with 0 to 9.
Then save the file and restart CANoe/CANalyzer.
Does CANoe/CANalyzer now start without problems after cleaning up the CAN.ini file?

Test the third party software

If cleaning up the CAN.ini file did not help, it is possible that, among other things, a third party software program is preventing startup of CANoe/CANalyzer.

Which security software is installed on your system?

  • Test for Kaspersky Endpoint Security users:
    Move CANoe/CANalyzer to the Trusted Zone. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the Kaspersky website. When adding the CANoe/CANalyzer application to Scan exclusions for applications, activate all options except for Allow interaction with application interface.
  • Test for Symantec Endpoint Protection / Norton Internet Security' users:
    Set up an Application Exception for the CANoe32.exe (CANoe) or CANw32.exe (CANalyzer) process. Monitoring of the CANoe/CANalyzer process will be disabled.

Faulty/missing redistributables:

To run correctly, CANoe/CANalyzer requires the .NET Framework as well as the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables. If Symantec and Kaspersky could be excluded as the cause, reinstall CANoe/CANalyzer. During the installation of CANoe/CANalyzer, a check is performed to determine whether the necessary redistributables are installed in the correct version. If this is not the case, they will be installed.

Can CANoe/CANalyzer (after deactivating the security software or setting up an exception for CANoe/CANalyzer in the security software) now be started?

Corrupt configuration

If you can start CANoe/CANalyzer after the CAN.ini file was cleaned, the last opened configuration was defective. You can send this to us for analysis.

Send configuration

Problems with third party software

Kaspersky users:

If the test was successful and CANoe/CANalyzer can be started after being added to the Trusted Zone, it must now be determined why Kaspersky Endpoint Security prevents the start of CANoe/CANalyzer. For this purpose, contact or have your responsible IT department contact Kaspersky Support and report the detection of a “False Positive”.

Symantec/Norton users:

If the test was successful and CANoe/CANalyzer can be started after setting up an Application Exception, it must now be determined why Symantec Endpoint Protection or Norton Internet Security prevents the start of CANoe/CANalyzer. For this purpose, contact or have your responsible IT department contact Symantec Support or Norton Support and report the detection of a “False Positive”.

One step back

Pack all necessary files


The Support Assistant has been available since CANoe/CANalyzer 8.2 SP4. In case of a crash, the Support Assistant automatically collects the necessary files related to the crash, which you can provide us in a .ZIP/.VSUPPORTREP package.

If the crash occurs when starting CANoe/CANalyzer:

For an analysis, we need a screenshot of the installed redistributables incl. version. You can create this in the Control Panel in Uninstall or change a program. Please add this screenshot to the data collected in the next step.
Do you use CANoe/CANalyzer version 8.2 SP4 or higher?

Manually pack all necessary configuration files

If the faulty behavior continues, please send us the complete CANoe/CANalyzer configuration with the following information for further analysis:

  • A configuration with cfg, dbc, ini, capl, dll files
  • A text copy of the Write window, which you can obtain by pressing the More Info button in the Help|Info menu
  • The dump files for the crash (*.dmp), which you can find in the temporary directory on your computer (enter %temp% in Windows Explorer )
  • The serial number of CANoe/CANalyzer as well as the used hardware
  • The operating system version under Windows Control Panel|System

Furthermore, we require additional information about the crash:

  • When did the crash occur? (During a running measurement, start of test modules or test units, during user entries in panels)
  • Is the crash reproducible? If yes, how can this be provoked?
  • Can you narrow down the problem? (Deactivate test modules/ECU nodes, comment out CAPL code, remove from networks, …)
  • Did the configuration previously run on the system without problem? If yes, what was changed afterward?
  • Does the behavior occur on one or more PCs?
  • Do other CANoe configurations (or even the supplied sample configurations) run on the affected system?

Please also let us know the results of the previous steps of the Online Assistant.

Pack all necessary configuration files

If the faulty behavior continues, please send us all necessary files for the currently opened configuration and for your system for further analysis. To do this, please use the Vector Support Assistant in the File ribbon tab|Support and create a package using the Save report… button (as *.ZIP or *.VSUPPORTREP).

Furthermore, we require additional information about the crash:

Canoe Interaction Layer

  • When did the crash occur? (During a running measurement, start of test modules or test units, during user entries in panels)
  • Is the crash reproducible? If yes, how can this be provoked?
  • Can you narrow down the problem? (Deactivate test modules/ECU nodes, comment out CAPL code, remove from networks, …)
  • Did the configuration previously run on the system without problem? If yes, what was changed afterward?
  • Does the behavior occur on one or more PCs?
  • Do other CANoe configurations (or even the supplied sample configurations) run on the affected system?

Please also let us know the results of the previous steps of the Online Assistant.


Canoe Tutorial


Vector Canoe Pdf Free

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